Aishwarya Rai Bachchan arrived in Hyderabad for the promotions of Ponniyin Selvan Aishwarya wore a white long hoodie with black tights and light pink sneakers Aishwarya Rai is playing the role of the antagonist queen Nandini in the film Aishwarya and Trisha are playing rivals in the film Mani Ratnam is helming Ponniyin Selvan 1 Ponniyin Selvan is also considered to be Mani Ratnam's magnum opus This isn't the first time Aishwarya is collaborating with Mani Ratnam for a project Fans are super-excited to see Aishwarya Rai Bachchan in the epic-period drama Meanwhile, let us know what do you think of Ash's attire? ( All Pics Credit: Manav Manglani)