Akshay Kumar and Emraan Hashmi, on-screen pairing in Selfiee, were spotted together. The co-stars have started the promotions of the film. Recently, the actors were clicked on a promotional outing. Akshay was seen donning a casual-fit black T-shirt from his own label, Force IX. The actor paired it with matching joggers and white sneakers. Emraan, on the other hand, wore a white graphic T-shirt and a peach-coloured shirt. He teamed it with a pair of slim-fit blue jeans and light grey sneakers. As for the film, Emraan Hashmi will portray a cop and Akshay Kumar will play Vijay, a superstar. 'Selfiee' is an official Hindi remake of the Malayalam film 'Driving License'. Photo credit: Manav Manglani