The 'Bade Achhe Lagte Hain' actor Disha Parmar, celebrated her 28th birthday on November 11. Disha was seen with her husband Rahul Vaidya as they celebrated her birthday. Disha looked gorgeous in a one-shoulder slit dress that she wore on her birthday. To celebrate her birthday, the actor went on a dinner date with her husband and friends. Rahul Vaidya took to Instagram and shared some snippets from the celebration. He posted the pictures and clips with the caption- Happy Birthday to the best heart in the world. He also asked her to control her sweet cravings to which she had replied- I love you, baby. And sorry meetha I cannot stop. The duo wore matching black attire as they posed for photographers and took selfies with their fans. When Rahul was in the Bigg Boss house, he proposed to Disha on national television. They had been in love with one other for a long time before getting married on December 2021.