Deepika Padukone At Cannes 2022. Deepika reigned like a queen in a black and golden Louis Vuitton gown. She flaunted her hourglass figure in a body hugging Cartier evening gown. The gorgeous actress took breaths away in a spectacular orange gown by Ashi Studio. Deepika nailed the sassy badass look in a black Louis Vuitton feathered gown. She simply stole the show on the Red Carpet with her magnificent red gown by Louis Vuitton. Could the boss lady vibe be more accurate than Deepika in an ArdAzAei pantsuit? Making everyone drool with her girl-next-door look. She nailed the retro look in a black and golden Sabyasachi saree for her first Red Carpet look. Deepika giving ultimate vintage vibes with her stunning look. Her strikingly gorgeous look from her first day at the French Riviera.