Mamamoo had donned an incredible newspaper dress for her song ‘Honey’ Maria Chike looked stunning in this newspaper outfit with paper frills. Carrie Bradshaw in the iconic newspaper dress from Dior AW’00 RTW by John Galliano The white and black satin frills on the newspaper dress adds a kick to it. Thomasin Mckenzie's newspaper dress in 'Last Night In Soho' is so unique Emily Ratajkowski has paired John Galliano newspaper print dress with a gorgeous black jacket. This Off-Shoulder newspaper print dress looks outstanding when paired with a jacket. Indians have also designed a fancy newspaper print saree which looks gorgeous on donning it. This men's outfit in newspaper prints will make you stand out in the crowd, and the red in this adds on to the charm Multicolour patterns add on to the charm of black and white newspaper dresses.