Janhvi Kapoor gave a fun twist to Rupali Ganguly's dialogue from 'Anupamaa' with her friends. In this reel, Janhvi acted on the voiceover of Tejasswi Prakash's viral dialogue from 'Naagin 6'. Even Ekta Kapoor loved it. Though this reel was for 'Good Luck Jerry's promotion, the mad dance at the end of it takes the cake. Janhvi Kapoor and her team wishing Christmas in their own quirky style. Here Janhvi Kapoor enacts Pooja Misra in this famous 'Get Off My Back' scene from 'Bigg Boss 5'. Janhvi Kapoor showing off her goofy side in between the shoot. In this reel Janhvi and her team's choreography is 'Qayamat'. Hope you agree with us. Not as good as original 'Nakka Mukka' but pretty close in fun quotient. We can't decide who is more fun to watch in this reel - Janhvi or her team members. Janhvi and her team hop on to the trend and dance to Cardi B's 'Up'. We are not sure about the choreography though!