Sabrimala Verdict: No stay, women can continue to enter temple
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Sabarimala Temple review petitions is in Supreme Court.
Supreme Court, by a majority of 3:2, has referred the review petitions to a larger constitution bench. Justice Rohinton Fali Nariman and Justice DY Chandrachud gave dissent judgement.
Chief Justice of India says, "The entry of women into places of worship is not limited to this temple only. It is also involved in the entry of women into mosques."
Supreme Court, by a majority of 3:2, has referred the review petitions to a larger constitution bench. Justice Rohinton Fali Nariman and Justice DY Chandrachud gave dissent judgement.
Chief Justice of India says, "The entry of women into places of worship is not limited to this temple only. It is also involved in the entry of women into mosques."
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