How MP's Kuna National Park suitable for African Cheetahs? | Abp news
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who turned 72 on Saturday, has a packed schedule on his birthday and will launch a plethora of projects in different sectors. The most notable of all the projects is the release of eight cheetahs brought from Namibia in Madhya Pradesh's Kuno National Park.
Besides, BJP has lined up several events for the special day. Social activities like blood donation camps, free health check-up camps, adoption of TB patients are some of the events planned by BJP across the country. A restaurant in Delhi will be serving a '56-inch thali' for 10 days to commemorate PM Modi's birthday.
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PM Modi Birthday LIVE PM Narendra Modi PM Modi LIVE Pm Narendra Modi Speech PM Narendra Modi's Birthday BJP Organise Unity In Diversity Pm Modi Bithday Special PM Modi 72nd Birthday Today Prime Minister Narendra Modi 72nd Birthday PM Narendra Modi`s Birthday PM Modi Schedule On His 72nd Birthday Narendra Modi Turns 72 Celebrating Pm Modi Birthday Pm Modi Speech At Central Hall PM Modi Story Pm Modi Birthday Gift Auction PM 72th Birthday Celebration 72nd Birthday Celebration Narendra Modi's Birthday