Fuel Prices In Delhi, September 12: Fuel Prices Remain Stable, Watch To Know Complete Details
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View In AppAs of September 12, 2024, fuel prices in Delhi remain stable. Petrol is priced at ₹94.72 per litre, while diesel is being sold at ₹87.62 per litre. These rates have remained consistent with no major fluctuations in recent days. Across India, the prices are similarly steady, with variations depending on the city. For example, in Mumbai, petrol is priced at ₹106.31 per litre, and diesel at ₹94.27 per litre, while in Kolkata, petrol is ₹106.03 per litre and diesel ₹92.76 per litre. The global oil market remains influenced by factors such as the supply cuts from Saudi Arabia and Russia, leading to tighter global oil supplies, but local prices in India have not seen significant changes lately.