Dr Harsh Vardhan pays visit to Lady Hardinge Medical College, 'O2 shortage being taken care of'

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Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan on vaccine shortage in states said, 'We allocate vaccines to states as per their performance in terms of vaccination. We have given more than 16 crore doses of vaccines to states out of which more than 15 crores doses have been administered. That means over 1 crore doses are still left with states. Some lakh doses are in pipeline & will be delivered in next 2-3 days. Since the beginning of vaccination, not a single day has passed when states were not given vaccine doses as per their capacity. Oxygen was available in adequate quantity earlier also & now it is being made available from many sources -- by mobilizing it from industry & abroad & by making available storage tankers & cryogenic tankers. Don't run here and there in a panic. Majority of patients can recover at home while being in touch with doctor. I am not saying this just as the health minister but also as a doctor:'

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