ABP News

Changes To HDFC Bank Rules Starting September 1st, Get The Details | Paisa Live

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If you have an account with HDFC Bank, be aware that credit card rules are changing from September 1. While the bank already updated several credit card rules on August 1, further changes are now being implemented regarding Utility Transactions and Education Payments. Utility Transactions will now earn only 2,000 reward points per month, and no reward points will be awarded for education payments. Previously, many banks adjusted rules to prevent personal cards from being used for commercial and business transactions. HDFC Bank had already introduced new rules on August 1, requiring a 1% fee for utility transactions over ₹50,000, and raised the limit for business cards to ₹75,000 per transaction. Insurance bills are excluded from utility transactions, and there is now a cap on the maximum reward points per month.

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