Valley Fever Rapidly Spreading In California: Growing Concerns Over Whether India Could Be Next To Face This Health Threat | Health Live

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Valley Fever, also known as coccidioidomycosis, is a lung infection caused by the fungus Coccidioides, which resides in the soil. This fungus is predominantly found in the Pacific Northwest and Southwestern United States, as well as certain regions of Mexico, Central America, and South America. When soil containing Coccidioides is disturbed, spores can become airborne and inhaled, leading to infection. Symptoms of Valley Fever can range from mild flu-like signs to severe respiratory issues. In some cases, the infection can lead to long-term health complications. Awareness of Valley Fever is crucial, especially in regions where the fungus is prevalent, as early diagnosis and treatment can significantly improve outcomes for those affected. As the disease spreads, public health officials are increasingly concerned about its potential impact in other areas, including India.

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