This movie marks the directorial debut of Sachin Ravi. Renowned Tamil Actor, Director, Producer, Lyricist -Danush, Eega fame Telugu actor- Nani, and Premam fame young Malayalam actor Nivin Poly released the e-trailer of the movie. The movie is set in the 70’s and the 80’s and took nearly took two years in the making. The movie has been dubbed in 5 languages-Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, and Malayalam.
The film also stars popular actors such as Balaji Manohar, Achyuth Kumar, Pramod Shetty and many others are seen in supporting roles, while the music has been composed by Charan Raj and B Ajanesh Lokanath has scored the back ground music.
The other highlights of this movie is that the script writers of Takth and other major movies were a part of it. The makers of the movie hired script writers of different languages to give it an originality unlike the other nationwide releases.